Retaliation skill reset for glad

Could use more of a indication, maybe a revamp of certain buffs to showup somehow in the middle? Its hard to pay attention to see what is available on my skill bar when it triggers randomly.

Also, give surrender shield lvl 30 fist globally?
Last bumped on Aug 4, 2024, 11:55:47 PM
Honestly, part of me feels like it'd be easier to just make the gladiator multi-use retaliations just make them repeat however many times. As is, if it keeps rolling that 50% then you're gonna keep mashing the button anyway as many times as it lets you.

Making it just repeat however many times would be much smoother of an experience.

And yeah, should probably just give that shield the damn skill, not sure it really needed a nerf. Maybe not level 30, but somethin'

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