Console Stash Tab Suggestion: L1/R1 should be used to navigate through tabs within a folder

I’m a console player and I recently purchased some stash tabs. I organized them into folders exactly how I wanted them, but now navigating through them on console is a pain. You can use L2/R2 to switch through folders, which is great. But once you’re on the folder, you must click R3 + Down on dpad to move through the tabs within the folder, which feels really clunky.

My suggestion: I think a better way to do it would be to use L2/R2 to switch through folders, and L1/R1 to switch through tabs within a folder. Currently, L1/R1 are used to move/rearrange the folders/tabs. I rarely need to make adjustments to my tab arrangement, and so I think the rearrangement control should be assigned to a two-button click.
Last edited by nimtz12 on Aug 3, 2024, 10:28:53 AM
Last bumped on Aug 22, 2024, 7:44:57 PM

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