Defiled Cathedral Boss in Ritual

So I am very unhappy with how the Boss acts in Ritual.

The second this Boss spawns in Rituals, he instantly fills a large chunk of the area with his red DoT Beams, which most of the time spawn on top of you, if not surrounding you inbetween, leaving you with almost no space to act, but hoping you could flame dash out of it if there is no wall or other obstacle blocking you.

It is obviously my bad, that I am not "tanky" enough to tank the degen as of right now, when this beam hits me, I have to spam my complete life flask empty and still die in most cases - but on the other hand I find it rather frustrating that this boss almost everytime spawns the same second with his beams covering a great portion of the area while you already have so much limited spaces in Defiled Cathedral, if you are getting Rituals in the corridors or on staircases and not the bigger areas.

Hope I could explain my point well enough.

Thank you :)
Last bumped on Aug 20, 2024, 1:07:43 PM
I agree, this boss is much harder than other map bosses, especially when it gets stuck in rituals in those narrow hallways full of obstructions. Feels frustrating.

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