Purchased premium stash tab but none of my tabs converted

A couple of days ago I purchased a premium stash tab but none of my existing tabs converted.
Last bumped on Aug 2, 2024, 9:46:02 AM
By no means full of knowledge but consoles you can buy premium tabs OR you can pay to upgrade a tab... So I think you need to upgrade your existing tabs. Just use the one to sell others for storage.
Buy premium tabs does not upgrade all your tabs, just gives you some new premium tabs. It is also possible to upgrade your non-premuim tabs as well, but it is a different item on the store than buying premium tabs.

The names for the purchases are:

"Premium stash tab"


"Upgrade to premium stash tab"

Which one did you buy?
Last edited by Belegur85 on Aug 2, 2024, 5:22:42 AM
I took a screenshot of my tabs before and after logging all the way out to the main menu, past char select, and then logging back in. My stash tab #4 (I had 5 normal ones) was the one that changed after the relog
My apologies. I misspoke, I purchased the Upgrade to premium stash tab. I assume that only one of my 4 stash tabs will be converted. None of my existing tabs are upgraded.
It looks like your Stash Tab upgrade was applied successfully to your account. Can you try checking your tabs again? You should be able to right click on the tab names to help you locate the tab whose settings you are now able to modify.

If you continue to experience any issues please reach out to our team at support@grindinggear.com and we'll be happy to check into this further.
Yes I just noticed this. I was confused about what a Premium stash tab was. I thought it would have converted to a quad stash tab but I was mistaken. Is there a way to convert a normal stash tab to a quad stash tab?
Unfortunately, it's not possible to convert regular tabs into Quad Stash Tabs.

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