Got forced to change name / muted 24hr for naming my character as my country Palestine

Not playing the victim card or anything, but I wanted to lash on out how frustrating this is. I named my character "Palestinee" and I've been naming it the same name the past 3 leagues only to suddenly get a 24 hour chat mute and a forced name change. I just really need to know how naming my character as my own country, a country not even a political group or anything like that, ban-able and misses with the code of conduct. Is there anyone I can talk to for an explanation? Would this been the same to literally any of the other 194 countries? I never thought GGG admins would act this way over such a thing.
Last bumped on Aug 2, 2024, 4:18:35 PM
Touchy subject mate, I'm sure you can understand why. I've never seen anyone with a character name as a country, so I don't know if it is generally allowed or not. I very much doubt they are going to allow it in current political climate. There are restrictions on what names can be used, certain names will be offensive, so GGG needs to have some control. If you want to discuss it with them might need to contact support, it's not going to be resolved in the gameplay section.
GGG fix freedom of speech
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