Gold Pickup

IS there a reason that flicker is the only build that gets auto gold pickup? My minions kill stuff behind me all the time but I dont get the gold. Anything flicker kills they get the gold.

1) Give everyone auto loot pickup
2) Make gold drop in much larger stacks making it not a pain to go back and get it.
Last edited by Mavada on Jul 31, 2024, 9:38:29 PM
Last bumped on Aug 9, 2024, 10:29:26 AM
yes, this has been bothering me too, it should just auto collect on kill.
It auto collects on move. Not skill move.
Read the patch notes.
It is based on observation not on some text.
What about me? I'm an aurabot.
Do I have to collect everything when my carry kills? T.T
Well.. Dunno really. I play SSF only so i dunno i guess.

But i get what You had in mind in first place. Yeah that's an issue.
Pick up range seems extremely small - I am past the area when the gold finally drops.

Not enough gold is dropping, it seems inconsistent with challenges.

Wages do not seem to be working right - I could be mathing wrong.

Map runners should be bringing in small amounts of gold ... There is gold in maps then that should be represented.

Overall - Great League - Imagine if you had time to polish it. I hope it stays in Standard in some form. - If for nothing else - To get rid of all those maps :D

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