Lilly in hideout greeting

I am once again asking for your consideration on this issue. Every single time you click Lilly in your hideout her greeting is either GODSLAYER, or HAIL GODSLAYER. Every single time you click her. GODSLAYER GODSLAYER GODSLAYER GODSLAYER. You get the idea. I understand you can ctrl+click her to get to the sell window and bypass hearing it. Or hit escape from that window to access her other options, but it's the principle. Her dialogue in the hideout was changed once before because she was annoying, She used to say "time and tide wait for no man" upon exiting her every time. This is when the problem started. In the acts her greeting is "Good tidings to you" Can you maybe throw some of those in for hideout Lilly? Or if she has some other greetings add those too? Or just make her say nothing, or just hi. Anything but GODSLAYER every time I beg you. I don't make a lot of forum posts but this is so annoying to me I have no choice, and I know I am not alone on this. Thank you for reading.
Last bumped on Aug 11, 2024, 2:05:50 AM
I'm begging you
Bring back Navali.

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