poe2 beta survey site flooded, sketchy survey url

first, the url in the poe2 beta survey mail is incredibly sketchy as the url says pathofexile2.com but the link goes to sendibm3.com. can you please formally let people know if this is phishing or not?

then the bigger issue: the survey site is effectively down, likely unable to handle the volume of requests.
Last edited by POEtayto on Jul 31, 2024, 7:49:09 AM
Last bumped on Jul 31, 2024, 8:54:30 AM
Hey POEtayto,

We have sent out a survey regarding the Path of Exile 2 Closed Beta. We are also aware of some issues accessing the survey and the team is currently looking into it.
Thank god. I was biting my lip seeing the weird link. Had to google the company used to redirect. :P Had to check in here just in case. In any case it worked out just fine in the end. The site was struggling hard so took a bit of waiting before it got through.
Yeah someone decided to lazily screenshot the entire email, key included, to the entire sub asking if it was legit.

Thus sharing it with 12,000 redditors to fill out and send to their friends. And here I was so excited to have received the email survey. GGG any plans to I don't know, send out another one with unique keys? This is a great example of how easily and thoughtlessly it can be abused. I doubt the person intended to do it, but they also showed no foresight in leaving the key visible.

On the bright side, we now know it was the same key for everyone, which I can't say is a great idea. Feels like my participating in it was wasted D:
Last edited by Beanflop on Jul 31, 2024, 8:48:10 AM
POEtayto wrote:
first, the url in the poe2 beta survey mail is incredibly sketchy as the url says pathofexile2.com but the link goes to sendibm3.com. can you please formally let people know if this is phishing or not?

then the bigger issue: the survey site is effectively down, likely unable to handle the volume of requests.

This is because some people decided to screenshot/share it and they aren't unique keys -_-

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