Champion's Inspirational notable is awkward

Previously, the Champion ascendancy node Inspirational gave you a portion of the stages (now Valour) back when placed, effectively making your banners cost less. Now the node requires you to leave the zone to recoup the Valour. This means if you let the banner duration run out, or you manually pick up your banner, you do not gain the Valour back.

If this was intended as a nerf to the Inspirational node due to the higher investment capability of banners in the current state of the game, then it would make sense to nerf the values rather than the functionality. In the current state of Inspirational, to play optimally around it, you must watch your banner's duration and leave the zone near the end of its lifespan. Since your banner's duration isn't even visible anywhere on the UI currently, it leaves the player in an awkward state of trying to guess when the banner is ending, and then leaving the radius to recoup stacks in order to benefit from this node.

I would suggest that picking up the banner manually or letting the duration run out should also grant the 30% Valour return, as this is how it (effectively) worked before.
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2024, 4:48:24 AM

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