Kingsmarch Feedback

I have been loving this league so far!

There is so, so much that works well for what I want in a game. In case it makes a difference for UI things: I am on XBox Series X.

I could go on at length (and did in the first draft) about what I love, but the shortest version is: it provides a wonderful TODO/gameplay loop that hits just right for me.

Farm things, make town better! Farm more things, make town more better!

For me, the decisioning hits a sweet spot between enough choices to be interesting and being too overwhelming.

Choosing when to build-the-things and when to upgrade-the-things vs. spending gold on other things is chef's-kiss perfect, no notes.

I am the type of gamer who gets super excited for boat-boat time, but I can't speak to investment vs. reward ratios because I don't care. What I enjoy is that (usually) the ship comes back, and it could bring -anything-!

Realistically, it's anything in the reward pool, but I can't see the reward pool, so it could bring anything! <3

Having said that, I -really- hate that there doesn't seem to be a way to avoid being good at bossing.

If there is, it isn't communicated clearly--please see Suggestions below.

Players who want to boss have a way to do that by dangling valuable shipments with like one poor newbie person escorting it.

Players who don't, well...

Clarify Rescue / Ransom / Abandon options in Commandeered menu on Harbour screen. Some can maybe be done via confirmation prompt.
- If it is not possible to attempt rescue more than once, let the player know somehow before they try it.
- If it is not possible to ransom after failing a rescue, let the player know somehow before they attempt the rescue.
- If ransom is fixed when the ship is commandeered, and the player cannot pay it, let them know it will never be an option.*
- Let players know how much the ransom was, even if they couldn't pay it, so they have an idea of how much to keep on hand in the future.

* This could be a bug, but I have read a few reports from others about not being able to ever farm enough for a ransom. This is not helped by not being able to see anything more than "Insufficient Gold".

For the Memory-Challenged
- Let the currently selected city order stay up, or find some other way to be able to see what you need to send while you're trying to fill an order.
- Find some way of showing the current amount on hand as a total when trying to fill an order. I get this can suck because the amounts change real-time--may be easier to show somehow that you're capable of filling the order.

Closing Thoughts
Yes, pirates gonna pirate. I get it.

I don't mind losing the stuff. I care about the (virtual) people.

Let me earn enough to get them back, even though I know the cost-benefit works out that I should have just written them off and hired new ones.

Or, and this was my best case hope, let me know more clearly that I can't, so I know to avoid the mechanic if I need to.

To me, my options are: avoid boat-boat time because I don't want to get people murdered, build and keep an infeasibly large stockpile of gold before sending more boats, or feel badly about getting people murdered.

I genuinely feel awful about getting people who have I have employed murdered. It could just be me, but mine is the only perspective I can speak from, and that's my experience.

I am giving myself a pass on this first failure, but I am hoping to better understand my options for the next one.

Thanks for reading!
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2024, 4:45:52 PM
I can't get into it, reminds me too much of Farmville on Facebook, annoying game.

Good feedback though.
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