Currency exchange gold prizes to high.

The currency exchange is one of the best features in POE, sadly the gold prizes are way to high and makes this feature prety much useles.

Gold is already a bottle neck for all the other activities and becasue of that it forces us to go back to the poe trade site where we have to spam again for hours to get the currency we need.

It would be nice if you coud decrease the gold prize for currency exchange...thanks a lot. :)
Last bumped on Aug 9, 2024, 10:15:00 AM
CroDanZ wrote:
The currency exchange is one of the best features in POE, sadly the gold prizes are way to high and makes this feature prety much useles.

Gold is already a bottle neck for all the other activities and becasue of that it forces us to go back to the poe trade site where we have to spam again for hours to get the currency we need.

It would be nice if you coud decrease the gold prize for currency exchange...thanks a lot. :)

Check out Captain Lance, he shows you how to set up your atlas to get 10k of gold per map.
Same problem here i found yesterday at my first champ 50LvL 1 Devine and i need 3200 gold for selling for chaos Oo i need around 1hour in campain to collect 3200 gold.
And i spend all my gold for city upgrade befor.

I need chaos for new staff for my frist champ an can't use currency exchange.
I go to the PoE Trade and start to "spaming" after 10 no aswer for selling i go sleeping i try my luck today selling my devine without currency exchange.

I had hope it would be solve the problem, but at first campain its useless.

maybe late it not the problem because they run with millions of gold but at start is useless.
I don't understand why buying 1250 fusings with one divine must cost 50k cold
I'm be honest, if you want to be taken seriously don't call prices "prizes". It smells of RMT farmers.
They either have to increase the gold drop by at least 2 times or reduce the tax by 2 times. To actively use the market, I have to farm gold for several hours a day. It's just killing me.
Bigwilleh wrote:
I'm be honest, if you want to be taken seriously don't call prices "prizes". It smells of RMT farmers.

Is this a bad joke? You realize it's probably a typo, right? And even if it isn't, it does not "smell of RMT farmer," you PoE conspiracy theorist. Lol!

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