Drops reduced?

I am just asking myself if the drops were reduced since the last 2 seasons?

Normally I would find 1 Div/Exalt during the campaign or early maps, but this time I had like 2 chaos and crap currency :D.

Not complaining, it just feels like I am playing this other mode that only is played by masochists.
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2024, 6:40:08 AM
I'm not sure what is going on but it is extremely annoying and discouraging. I got my first div drop at 250k kills, I run juiced maps that my tanky build can barely survive because I grab ridiculous quant altars due to frustration and I lose a lot of money because I don't even drop a chaos orb, I waste like 10 maps before I get anything remotely rewarding. I don't even want to run scarabs anymore because I can use 5 and get crap the entire map, consistently. I am complaining because I don't get sufficiently rewarded for my efforts in this game and I've been playing for years. I got a Hinekora's Lock in a random t8 magic map I was doing for completion which is my best drop ever since 2019 yet some random first time player can drop a mirror in the campaign and have more than I've ever been able to obtain in 5 years. I've never gotten a mageblood, a head hunter, I rarely get exalted orbs, but I got 3 sacred orbs this league (yay, 90c, wow). Nothing of value really ever drops for me for reasons I don't understand and those of us who don't get blessed by the poe drop gods just get screwed for an entire league without having a chance to enjoy the game properly. I watched a friend 6 link an item in 26 fusings after getting a mageblood in their first voidborne reliquary key use in their first league ever. What kind of bs is that? I don't know what the best solution is but this isn't satisfactory. Sure, the drops are allegedly fair but it seems stupid that my best drops come from some random content and not my 300% quant maps running strongboxes. It also seems stupid that one person can get lucky so many times and someone else can just lose money on their map investments for an entire league. At least up the chaos orb drop rates or something so I can get reasonable currency to make my money back on map investments. GGG needs to realize that most of us aren't streamers that have 5 mirror builds and an aura bot to unreasonably juice maps for our full parties of multi-mirror builds. We can only do so much and it isn't fun to never get rewarded for grinding in anything. I want to have a chance to grind for enough money to get a decent item, not lose money and maybe get a drop worth like 5 div after hours of playing the hardest content my build can handle (which is usually pretty hard content).
Last edited by CondescendingEmu on Aug 19, 2024, 6:24:08 AM
To add to that, a Hinekora's Lock is a lucky drop but it only sold for 31 div which isn't even enough to get a proper end game gear piece so I'm still stuck on my league starter. I like grinding for stuff don't get me wrong, but it doesn't seem like the drops are as fair as they should be when you watch people get extremely lucky several times in a row and you just get crap constantly.
SiAnKo wrote:
I am just asking myself if the drops were reduced since the last 2 seasons?

Not directly reduced by any meaning but just back in the original state without insane boosts like we had during the last two leagues.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Aug 19, 2024, 6:25:32 AM
Maybe we somehow need a per-account drop rate so that everyone can enjoy the game or something because you can't do much with 1 div gear and it's just way too rng for everyone to have a reasonable chance.
Maybe we somehow need a per-account drop rate so that everyone can enjoy the game or something because you can't do much with 1 div gear and it's just way too rng for everyone to have a reasonable chance.

What is „per-account drop rate”? Do you base your whole poe gaming around raw div drops?
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.

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