Harvest = Crash

You fixed the Oak but but Harvest still does not work!
Please fix soon as harvest is one of my favourite mechanics!
Last bumped on Aug 1, 2024, 12:44:04 PM
Bramble Valley map same problem, lost 3 portals and some EXP getting the atlas passive :/
Harvest crash [ps5]
Last edited by BiTs___ on Jul 29, 2024, 6:48:02 PM
Harvest is crashing for me as well on PS5
I have the same issue with Harvest. Each update, I check and each time Harvest crashes/disconnect.

Bramble Valley is the same, but completable, you just have to sacrifice 1-3 portals to disconnects in the boss fight.

I really hope this gets fixed soon.
Maybe I am lucky but had 0 crashes in harvest, I did at least 30 of them.
"Fix it soon becaise beong locked out of my wealth and my character puts a hold on me trading and bartering to increase my wealth" - Nameless Forum Poster.
Opened up portal to my first harvest on hcssf, walked in, clicked pack, game crashed, character died. if i could insert a thumbs up here, i would. console always left on the back burner
Harvest crash
Almost 1 week into the league and Harvest still crashes the game!

This ceased to be funny 5 days ago, now it is just sad...
Endless crashes. Harvest and Ultimatum are unplayable. The game freezes completely.

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