Gold Auto pick up

Please change Gold to work like Expedition Artefacts.
Imagine playing a build like EA Balista and having to backtrack at every pack.
Last bumped on Aug 6, 2024, 1:20:10 AM
we all have seen now Gold lying on the floor, but it`s just bad design, if u have to backtrack all the time. You can´t even pick it up while using a movement skill. If it´s auto pick uped anyway , why just not put it automatically in your inventory to begin with!!
why cant it just go into inventory directly? why does it need to be on the ground with a very small pick up range at that.
Pickup range for gold is different than for everythung else?
I agree with you.
I completely agree with your suggestion regarding the gold auto-pickup functionality. It would be much more efficient if gold behaved like Expedition Artifacts, automatically picking up from the ground without the need for constant backtracking, especially in builds like EA Ballista where you’re actively engaging with numerous packs of enemies. This change would streamline gameplay by reducing unnecessary movement and allowing players to focus on combat and strategy rather than the tedious task of collecting gold. Implementing such a feature would significantly enhance the overall experience and efficiency in managing loot. Writing a literature review felt overwhelming, so I decided to get help from The experience was incredible! The writer provided excellent research and helped me structure the review in a way that made sense. The final product was delivered on time and was of the highest quality. I’m extremely pleased with the service and would recommend it to anyone who needs help with their literature review.
Last edited by BrooklynBennett on Aug 22, 2024, 5:20:27 AM

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