Question regarding league migration


I've started Settlers of Kalguur on a SC private league and Im considering migrating to the parent SC trade league. I understand I keep my character, atlas progression and everything on stash.

But what about Kingsmarch and delve progression?

Last bumped on Aug 1, 2024, 4:04:00 AM
Hey there,

Thanks for your question! Progression made in Kingsmarch and Delve should also migrate over when using the 'Migrate all' option in the League Migrations menu '>>'.
Hey there, to provide further details regarding this, when players migrate into a league with no current village state it will copy their entire village state except for mapping and disenchanting.

If they transfer into a league with a village state then it keeps the state from the league transferred to but adds their gold, resources and workers up to the limit they have unlocked.
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