When will you give me an e-mail

I sent an email to support@grindinggear.com , when will I get a reply?

Is the problem of not receiving e-mails a difficult problem? I checked my spam mail box and deleted e-mails, but I can't see them at all

I think I can solve it quickly??

I don't understand why the technical team is doing this easy question

Can't a ggg person respond to me take care of this?
Last bumped on Jul 27, 2024, 1:56:53 PM
Hey there,

Someone will get back to you as soon as possible. The team is working through a large influx of support emails.

We apologise for any delays in getting back to you.
When will I get an answer? A day has passed. I'm going crazy. I asked for an answer, but I didn't receive it or I didn't even send it at all. Give me the phone number of the technical support team. Why can't you solve this simple problem?
Hey mate, did you try to add them to your contact list? i think i saw this helped someone else, might be worth to try it.
How do you add? I'll do anything..
i would google how to add someone in the contactlist at your email provider, cant help you with this mate, but pretty sure you can find a guide online.
I'm not a Google email, but I added friends and sent an unlock email with a similar feature. Still couldn't receive it
Im sorry to hear that, seems like the support is not working at the weekend, i didnt get a response on my email for ~14 hours now and its also a while that someone respond here on the forum...
Wow.. I'm going to ask for a refund of all the skins and cash on my ID if I can't solve this. I'm not allowed to play games, does this make sense?
Well, all we can do is wait, i still hope someone respond, but if they dont solve it this weekend, im pretty sure done with poe, i would still look search on the forum in your case, maybe someone found a solution for your problem before

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