Returning after 5 years

Hi. Checking my characters i can not access some that have a red asterisc at the side of the name. Anyone can help me why is this?

Any FAQ i could read to get up to speed and not mess things around? thanks!

Last bumped on Jul 22, 2024, 8:31:38 PM
Karrnak wrote:
Hi. Checking my characters i can not access some that have a red asterisc at the side of the name.

It means that you may need to rename them, after a year of not logging in the names are freed up in the system allowing someone else to use it, you can try using the same name but it may decline it if someone else snagged it.

Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
As lagwin1980 previously mentioned, after one year of inactivity your character names may be freed up to make them available for other players to use. These names will appear with a red asterisk next to them. You will have to rename these characters, and you are more than welcome to see if their original names are still available but please note that they may have been taken by another player.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact and we'd be happy to help out :)

Are tehre any mini faqs were i can read about the new features i am finding and i do not know how to work on them? Thanks again!

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