Two Accounts mixed up somehow


I somehow have two accounts with this website under the names "devo1151" and "Devo115." I thought my old account got deleted so i made a new one with "devo1151." Then, I redownloaded PoE Build and it said I had no characters to load builds with. So, I went to my account to link my steam account and such in order for it to see if it would work properly like before, but then it said if I were to link it to "devo1151" i had another account already associated with it under "devo115". But, when I go to login to the site I only have access to the new account "devo1151" and not "Devo115." How do I regain access to my original account "Devo115"? Please help, and thanks.
Last bumped on Jun 19, 2024, 3:08:55 PM
Could you please send us an email at so that we may be able to look into this further?
Okay, it was sent
i'm assuming you played through steam initially

Then later Made an account for the site/standalone game.

Then tried to link the standalone to steam.
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