Missing items?


Seems I am missing many items I've collected over the last few years. I've only just realized this is happened as I don't tend to play standard but I like to collect gear and 6 links. I continue to spend all my divs or ex to buy items at every league end so my collection on standard is full. I've started going back this league to transfer gear from remove only tabs and actually fill out my uniq tab to 100% on STD and im noticing many items I know for a fact i bought in previous leagues to be missing. like a lot of 6-link armors and weapons some amulets etc.

I checked through every single remove only tab and checked all my crafting spots (harvest,craft,ect) still I continue to notice many items are missing some items are costly like the stranglegrasp I bought last league but others aren't even worth that much some of these are just weird like Sacrificial Heart or an Untouched Soul I bought 2 of them last league for my tab. I've replaced some of the items with non-6 link gear but the other issue is a lot of the items are old and legacy rolls ect.

is there any way to check where my logins have happened over the last year or two? I believe I remember 1 specific time I had an email about a weird login but I thought nothing of it now I'm considering I may have been hacked as I didn't give this gear away and I've thoroughly checked characters,tabs,remove only tabs,crafting item locations. I've done my due diligence ..

It's extremely annoying to think I have to go back and buy up all these items again and a lot of them don't have the same stats anymore like my totem armor (Soul Mantel I had about 7 of them now i only have 2 that are on my characters)
Last bumped on Jun 16, 2024, 5:17:20 PM
Hey 672! Could you please contact us via email at support@grindinggear.com so that we can take a look into this with you?
Need help with anything? Feel free to contact us via support@grindinggear.com :)
Will send another email i did attempt this on Thursday and didn't hear anything back so I came to the forum in hopes of getting a response of some sort.


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