Private League for Meme builds/Off meta - No DD please [PeepoFreens]

all whalecoom

/global 1111
Last edited by MkDdZZzAfZ on Jun 15, 2024, 12:02:01 PM
Last bumped on Jul 4, 2024, 3:48:10 PM
So many players already. Do you have a discord/global chat or something?
Any global chat/dc?
/global 1111
MkDdZZzAfZ wrote:
/global 1111

Is there any rules ? i know tani often plays totem related stuff, do we have to play totem based builds ??
hyyyben wrote:
MkDdZZzAfZ wrote:
/global 1111

Is there any rules ? i know tani often plays totem related stuff, do we have to play totem based builds ??

No DD in any form only, try something new that you would not necessarily league start to not mess up main league start. Tati leagues are best because people are nice, sharing gear and active between streams-global chat. I had most fun in his private league (especially HC ones)
Last edited by MkDdZZzAfZ on Jun 16, 2024, 2:08:03 AM
Is the league still active?
Yes a good number of us still playing and a decent amount of free stuff on trade for ya
I hope ppl still play here . I send request . Thank you
sent a request
Last edited by zigzag0_0 on Jul 4, 2024, 6:59:33 PM

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