Bought stash tab but it's not showing up

Hi, I just bought a stash tab from my last 20 points.. but it's not showing up? relogged twice to doublecheck.. all other microtransactions went without any problems.. :(
(and yes, I looked at the right end ;))
Last bumped on Jun 10, 2024, 4:32:54 PM
Hey Cyrzell,

I've taken a look into this for you and it appears the stash tabs you purchased have been correctly added to your account.

When you purchase stash tabs, they will upgrade any "Remove Only" tabs you have to fully functioning stash tabs.

This is intended, as a lot of players requested it due to the time it can take to move items from "Remove Only" tabs over to normal stash tabs. This saves many players this time so that they can continue to play and find more loot.
Need help with anything? Feel free to contact us via :)
Ah I didn't knew that! Thank you for explaining!
I was worried, as the purchase also didn't show up in my massages.
Last edited by Cyrzell on Jun 10, 2024, 4:34:15 PM

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