Maps stash tab not working

I just bought the map stash tab, logged in, tried to use it. I control-left clicked dozens of maps into my inventory, then set affinity for the maps tab and attempted to control left click them into it. They would not go in. I could manually move a few of them in by clicking them individually, selecting the right map section, then putting them in. but this only worked for a couple of them.

Even worse, I could no longer control-left click these maps back into my regular stash tabs (yes I turned off affinity first) and had to put them all back manually. Other items I could control-left click in and out of my inventory and into stash tabs no problem.

wtf happened? I don't understand. Is it because some of the maps are older? If so this should be clearly noted in the store page for the maps stash tab. And that still doesn't explain why I couldn't control left click the maps from my inventory into regular tabs afterwards.
"When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
Last bumped on Jun 10, 2024, 4:44:56 PM
It sounds like you may be attempting to place maps from different Map Series into the same Map Tab. Unfortunately a Map Tab is only able to store maps from a single Map Series at a time, which can be set from the tabs settings menu. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause!
Hi there. I guess you were trying to transfer maps out of your read-only tabs into the new map tab. Bear in mind the map tab can only hold maps of ONE specific league, i.E. Necropolis OR Affliction OR Sanctum OR...
And i believe you have read-only tabs from different leagues, so the first maps you could transfer defined the league which maps the map tab will hold, and all other maps don't fit anymore.

Solution would be to convert all maps manually to the recent league.
E: Ian / Support was faster.
relax - it's just ones and zeros!
Last edited by TRPV1 on Jun 10, 2024, 1:55:22 PM
How do I convert maps? Just trade 3 of the same together for a higher tier one, that'll convert them to current season maps?
"When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
mjkittredge wrote:
How do I convert maps? Just trade 3 of the same together for a higher tier one, that'll convert them to current season maps?

No. You'd lose 2 of 3 maps that way. Just vendor them 1 by 1, this can also be done in bulk, just make sure to NOT trigger the 3 : 1 - Recipe, for example tier 4 maps: 2x map A, 2x map B, 2x map C, .., rinse and repeat.
I know it's a chore but i don't know any other way except by the button in the map stash tab, which doesn't work for you since you can't get your maps into the tab.

E: just found this thread: How to convert Maps outside of a Map stash tab?
relax - it's just ones and zeros!
Last edited by TRPV1 on Jun 10, 2024, 4:59:37 PM

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