
ı have banned from any reason ı dont know why. ı sent an email but it says ı have banned and u cant send ban appeal again. but ı dont even know why? ı bought stash tabs. ı'll not play again if u dont help me.
Last bumped on Jun 14, 2024, 3:28:22 AM
Unfortunately we are not able to discuss account related issues via the forums. Could you please contact us via email regarding this?
Tai_GGG wrote:
Unfortunately we are not able to discuss account related issues via the forums. Could you please contact us via email regarding this?

Do you have a clear answer as to what is the point of contacting you about this via email if you are sending copy-paste there?

You make it absolutely clear that you are just a fraudulent company, you are not interested in the problems of the players or anything else, only profit.
hush8484 wrote:
You make it absolutely clear that you are just a fraudulent company, you are not interested in the problems of the players or anything else, only profit.

And yet, they regularly un ban people if they feel that it was unfair...don't let some of the other posts fool you, everyone is innocent but at the end of the day IF the appeal has not been successful it is because GGG are comfortable that there is enough proof that a ban would stick.

The fact that they ban at all indicate that they DO care about players because cheats ruin the game for legit players.

Also, they don't tend to copy paste replies...i understand how you can be confuse on that but being customer support and the customers being karens more often than not tends to make them approach conversations in a certain way that dose end up looking very generic and copy/paste esque or even an automated reply
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Tai_GGG wrote:
Unfortunately we are not able to discuss account related issues via the forums. Could you please contact us via email regarding this?

ı wrote via email but anyone didnt help me.

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