sooooooo where did my post go?

Made a post, criticizing issues with moderation and bigorty and its gone, just like the last one i made....
I dont care abt 40 min mutes, i clicked notify me in regards to the post, no notification, post gone, no response, no nothing *insert xiu xiu refrence here*
Contact me, wtf is this, and dont lock the thread going "we cant deal with this on public forums" I am aware, the silence is deafening.
Eventually the rug will become far too bloated, and you cant just jam every valid concern about the "safety" and openness of your game under the rug.
As far as i can tell moderation doesnt give a shit about player experience, nor controlling trolls, inflamatory statements, or prejudice based off race creed creed, sexual orientation etc (ive seen F slur in chat 6 times since june started :)) (typically in regards to LGBTQ ppl talking about pride month)
How incusive
I dont give a fuck about the mute i want a goddamn explanation
I want to know who is responsible
I want to know why
I want to know how this keeps happening

I'll give the you something
Even more interesting than the last one
And I'll tell you why its the best one yet
And then the you can look back on it all and say:
This is the best thing that ever happened to me
And see:
Why you never became what you wanted to be

Your game has a massive issue with moderation, and hate speech, but hate speech isn't what gets you muted....
So I ask again, where did my post go? Why was it removed? What is GGG's OFFICIAL STATEMENT regarding this issue.
Pull up any forums, watch general for an hour, its no secret trolls run rampant bigots harass marginalized people, wheres the moderation?
Day in day out, so many employees so little progress made.
And so many steps backwards.
So where is the "justice" your white knights supposedly impose??
Clicked notify me again, can't wait to see another deleted thread.
Your game is no longer a place for fun or community, it is a cesspit for basement dwelling bigots, and i suggest you take a hard look at your moderation values and team before there is no longer any interest in your game, you have practically killed it, no better than blizzard, no better than valve, no better than EA, activision hollow shell of company, this is no place for community and if it stays this way no one will remain.
Except the bigots and trolls i suppose...
Last bumped on Jun 6, 2024, 4:36:08 AM
Thank you very much for posting your concerns, we really appreciate the feedback! I have passed your message on to my Supervisor, who will be contacting you soon to discuss this issue privately.

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