A story about beeing Hacked

I live in a multi-family house and have people above me who talk all the time about the things that are happening on my monitor, including "then we'll make sure your portals don't disappear, are you sure you don't want us here?" and things like that, also in the topic of league of legends, they said that we can prove that we can hack them because I talked to myself once about a league of legends video about cheating, shortly after that league of legends was hacked, it all sounds weird but it's just my life, I just had this problem again, farmed, harvested, died and all my portals were still there, shortly after I wrote my portals dont go away, the next time I died a portal disappeared, this happened a few times yesterday too. I also have a few names that come to mind, I would like to help and please check whether everything is OK because it can't be right, sometimes I do 0 damage despite mirror gear, which is also weird, and others with much less valuable items do far more damage

best wishes, Skjhorni
Last bumped on Jun 3, 2024, 7:24:55 PM
Hey kloplopper! I'm very sorry to hear about this. Could you please contact us via email at support@grindinggear.com so that we can look into this further with you?
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