Bought two quad tabs on recent stash tab sale, still no tabs in my stash

As title explains.

Also is it normal for a GGG customer support to ask for :
"Path of Exile account name, as well as 2-3 character names on your account?"

Am I paranoid for listening to them red bells ringing and NOT replying and coming here rather than giving away this data whilst the actual GGG customer service worker would not need anything from me since I've used email thats related to this account?

It's like you get reply from your bank "please give us your login and whats on your account so we can proceed with taking care of the issue" - scam feeling?

Life Is But A Dream...
Last bumped on May 30, 2024, 12:39:48 PM
lazytopaz wrote:
As title explains.

Also is it normal for a GGG customer support to ask for :
"Path of Exile account name, as well as 2-3 character names on your account?"

Am I paranoid for listening to them red bells ringing and NOT replying and coming here rather than giving away this data whilst the actual GGG customer service worker would not need anything from me since I've used email thats related to this account?

It's like you get reply from your bank "please give us your login and whats on your account so we can proceed with taking care of the issue" - scam feeling?

Hiya, for starters Support asks for account and character names so we can both identify your account, and confirm ownership of said account.

However, with regards to the issue, if you have any Remove-only tabs on your account (in this case Remove-only Premium Quad Stash Tabs) and then purchase new Stash Tabs (in this case Premium Quad Stash Tabs) these will replace the remove-only tabs with fully functioning tabs and is intended.

If you wish to add extra tabs to your account rather than have any remove-only tabs replaced please ensure you no longer have any remove-only tabs before making any additional stash tab purchases.

Hope this helps!
Well I guess I have full 9 quad tabs of remove-only stuff to clean through before I get my tabs show up eh?

Funny thing is I've bought those two tabs just for that specific reason to have space to sort good stuff from stuff that will probably be straight to vendor.

What I wouldn't give for a service that would check all that stuff for me and/or sell it for profit.

I wish PoE dropped LESS stuff overally. 90% of stuff is crap whilst that last 10% is mostly useless to your build and you end up selling it on trade. Unless you're playing SSF or smthg.... I mean how often do you use something you've found
Life Is But A Dream...
Hey, so I've cleared my remove only quad tabs out. only remove-only tabs that are left are the specific tab for maps and two tabs for uniques only (the specific tabs that only collects maps and uniques), yet still my quads are not there?
Life Is But A Dream...
To clarify, you'll always have as fully-accessible the correct number of each type of stash tab based on your purchased allocations.

For example, if you have 18 total Premium Quad Stash Tab purchases, you'll have a total of 18 fully-usable Quad Stash Tabs that you can add or remove items from. If you somehow end up with more Quad Stash Tabs than this (such as if you're playing on Standard or otherwise migrated Quad Stash Tabs into the league you're playing) then any additional tabs beyond your allocation will be denoted as (Remove Only) and these tabs are accessible to retrieve items but not to deposit them and cannot be set as Public or used for affinities.
From a slightly different angle:

Say you had N real tabs and 11 remove-only tabs of the same kind before the purchase.

Buying two new tabs of that kind converts 2 of those remove-only tabs into real tabs with the contents intact, leaving you with N+2 real tabs and 9 remove-only tabs.

This happens instantly at the time of purchase and it could be hard to spot the converted tabs in your stash as the only thing happening to them is that they lose the Remove-Only state.

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