No NEWS Weekly

Have you guys also noticed that the news has been few and far these days. We are lucky if we get 2 new news reports per week. Also then it not even news its just micro transaction specials.
Last bumped on May 28, 2024, 9:51:47 AM
Standard at this stage during the league, news seems to go dark while the team is prioritised on developing the next league.
i'll be honest, the news posts for years have been more advertisements and fluff than actual news so it doesn't really bother me if they are not posting anything there.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
I'd honestly rather them not make a news post if there's no significant news to post than spam us with weekly fluff which I have to read to see if I care or not.

But I understand that this is a personal preference thing and I get why some people might prefer ANY kind of regular updates, just as a means of direct dev-community interaction.

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