Returning player feedback about Necro league and the game state itself

Hello, I've been playing in the Betrayal, Essence and Synthesis leagues. Then stopped and returned 2-3 weeks ago.

TLDR: I am not happy with the current state of the game.

1st of all - no Auction House still! WTF? It should be done YEARS ago, but hasn't! Did you changed trading somehow? Made it better or easier? Not! it is still brain cancer!

2nd - I has a feeling that I need to get 2nd college degree to fully understand all added mechanics for past years. Why it so overwhelming? You don't need the new players?

Also, they made as busted trashcan!

Let's say Archives: why it's is even exist? Somebody even doing it? Maybe they do - if starve on basic currencies, lol! Useless and worthless piece of code, I literally got bored after 1st room played.

Or Heist - was it too hard to add a portal button at the wayshrine UI? Why should I go to the Heist locker and use a coin? With the past years you got an idea that portals should appear not around Jun or Alva, but around th map device (bravo!).
But here - still doesn't got that bright idea?

And this 2 activities - just dumb copy of the map system: 1st is worthless and boring, 2nd is just boring

3rd - the Necro league. I'm not sure, but I think there are many players who avoiding the League mech completely. Me - for sure. Isn't it a shame?
I even tried to just sell that coffins, but got annoyed of this 1c buyers very fast and stopped my sale.
I thought you learned the Essence lessons - there you added dozens of items too. But they wasted just 1 square and been able to stack. Coffins waste 2 squares and does not stack.
Yes, I understand the idea of more precise crafting, but... it ruins the whole POE - there is a lot of players who just completed the league and left it completely.
Chats are dead, trading is dead (if you aint selling 1c coffings ofc) - GGG are planning to fix something here?

Return me my Essence league game - it were cool and fun.

Current is not and, possibly, Necro would be the worst league ever.
Auctioneer House - just MUST be here! Most of sellers do not reply, not even talking about AFKers and offliners!
Last bumped on May 26, 2024, 4:08:50 PM

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