Suggestions - Core mechanics that have 0 or almost 0 interraction - Thorns and Pantheon

1. On the topic of thorns there are litteraly 0 usability for this stat in the game, it's not even niche which would be fine if there was any king of support for it - Some kind of support gem like shockwave but called thornburst that would have flat dmg scaling from thorns.
Other ideas include adjust one or few current unique to be scaled with thorns damage - like Uul-Netol's Embrace for bone spikes flat dmg was scaled with thorn's or something along those lines.
2. Pantheon - seems also like a missed opportunity and have almost 0 interractions with other mechanics except for some fringe cases with life recovery and it makes me sad that there are no items that interract with pantheon. There are items like Blunderbore and Kirac's Memory of the Pantheon that introduces shrines to pantheon gods, so the idea is simple item or reservation skill that gives to the player lesser or normal shrine buffs to the current chosen pantheon god or gods including minor
This might be too much to ask, but if it had - for example shrine buff effect dependant on unlocked powers that would make divine vessels somewhat relevant after the first 4
Last bumped on May 26, 2024, 3:58:47 AM

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