
After all these years still not really having a fun, viable, flat phys slam yet offering a bunch of different slam gems. Imagine having pure strength tanks stacking strength just to use chaos damage and penetration on little 1 handed weapons.

I dunno what melee did to annoy y'all at GGG before you made this game but the hate is strong after a decade of so, lmao.

Just go check the builds on POE Ninja if you don't believe me. They're really just not fun, even stacking warcries and extra damage they're absolutely gimpy in comparion to other classes and then the hilarity of the technically suited caster classes or pure damage classes just stacking ES and being tankier. My strength stacking, frost blades, chaos damage berseker... (how dumb does that sound to not have a big slamming 2 handed weapon flat phys zerker) clears everything with 10+ mill dps no drama but it's stupid and boring. Make slams great.

Stop making weird un-needed changes to the game and give melee a serious buff. It's leagues, it wont change game play or affect people as most play solo anyways unless sitting in a nerfed 5 way waiting to hit 100.

Still love the game even though I'm hating melee a lot I can't stop playing. LOL.
Last bumped on May 26, 2024, 7:32:28 AM
hoho imagine posting in feedback.
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Sydneydonza wrote:

Just go check the builds on POE Ninja if you don't believe me. They're really just not fun

The reality is that PoE ninja is not a great source to look up builds or statistics.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Sydneydonza wrote:
After all these years still not really having a fun,

Imagine having fun.

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