Maybe you shouldn't be able to die in league mechanic zones such as the necropolis

Just had my HC char get PK because someone I was going to trade with invited me and teleported to me while he leveling in the acts. I was in my necropolis doing a craft, as soon as he enters I get downleveled and I pretty much instantly die from the ability on my Annihilation Approach boots.
Why the hell is it even possible for this to happen, why is downleveling forced upon me and why can HC chars die in place like the necropolis, unbelievably stupid design.
Last bumped on May 25, 2024, 5:12:27 PM
Your suggestion notwithstanding, you are able to disable downscaling.
taggedjc wrote:
Your suggestion notwithstanding, you are able to disable downscaling.

It depends on the leader and as HE was invited, the party settings of the leader apply to him. He can have it disabled, doesn't matter.
Please use for your guides instead of pastebin!
I honestly don't understand why I should have died still, most of my regen comes from flat regen, I'm going to test tomorrow with my brother.

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