Good Things About 3.24 Necropolis Plus Suggestions

Uber maps:

--- Uber maps so fun to farm. Monster density, pack sizes, layout, interesting monster types, loot explosions and experiencing actual boss fight made fun to me.

--- Uber maps shouldn't be rushable for Uber Fragments. I have to do it because its most profitable as well as most boring strategy in HC. My suggestion is: Something like how we can obtain valdo map unique. Kill all rares-unique, clear map until 50 or less monsters remain, or/and do specific thing with X league content. I don't know how this turns out.

--- Uber maps seems like only suitable for non-extra content. Reason is: Monster amount and loot quantity bonuses. So, this situation makes mostly suitable for Back to Basics Keystone. I think, there should be a league content multiplier like if map has 5 harbinger, the "x" bonus makes that 8 Harbinger. Normally I don't prefer 5 harbinger in giant a map.

--- New Uber map modifiers are ok. I liked the challenge to build my character around them. Normally, Rolling maps took average 10 chaos. I think, there are improvements. Firstly, remove tier 16 mod pool, this was really unnecessary an after launch change. Add more unique modifiers from other league content and boss skills. Second, split some of the modifiers: Instead of "less defenses", "less evasion", "less Armour", "less energy shield". Similar thing to curse, area effect, minus maximum resistances, resistances etc. Also remove reflect mechanic entirely from game.

New scarabs:

--- Most of scarabs do content focus farming exceptional well. I just want to see more non-extra content new scarabs.

Uber bosses:

--- I am ok with amount of Uber fights I did this league.

--- 10% drop rate Progenesis is actually good related to How accessible fragments. Other drops should be same.

--- Splitting loot normal and Uber variant fixed the farming them. Only minor thing is: Keys drop from Ubers, give normal variant drop pool. Keys should be splitted too.

--- I always support removal of Boss unique divination cards and moving general drop unique to boss drops.

--- Something is off or unfinished with getting 5 fragments for Uber Bosses. I don't have any suggestion for now.


--- I had fun with graveyard craft for this league. I don't wanna force to interact in future at this stage.

(I might add more to this essay as I remember things.)
Last edited by GaripFikir on May 25, 2024, 11:13:05 AM
Last bumped on May 28, 2024, 5:42:45 AM
Hello, i played few hours this league and i would like to add some feedback to the league.

- you are able to craft godlike items, which i never had before and i am happy i was able to do that
- shift in trade - divines cheaper, could afford t0 uniques which i never had
- in this point i might contradict myself, but the concet of t17 i still think is good for the game, because i rly wanted that if you are able to do harder content, you should get better drops.

- just doing one craft took several hours to do so.
- when coffin drops in fight and the panel of the cofins is in the way of shrine you want to pick up and you cant and you die because of that (the shrine which makes the enemies immortal)
- graveyard had 88 positions but you could store only 64 of coffins..
- unnecessary complexity in races and level of coffins
- previous points leads to that coffins were not stackable
- not able to bulksell
- need for stash space due to not stackable coffins
- t17 atm is new meta and everything else is suboptimal which makes rich guys even more richer
- only few build can make it work in t17 which breaks the diversity
- Betreyal destroyed - I killed Catarina 13x this league and got 0 veiled orbs
sure, just bad rng.
- buffing t17 14 days after start of the league was not good because it made them necessity to farm for currency
- the lack of bulk selling for coffins made it exhausting to trade for.
- most of the T17 were harder than Uber bosses, which is rly funny when this was advertised as stepping stone.
- I saw Ben melting t17 with his chaos assasin, i told myself i will make that build and finally play t17 also.. well then i got to the point i bought MB and i thought the most expensive t0 is mine until i realised he is using original sin ring which costs 1.3 mirror. -> suggestions

Summary && Suggestions:
- make veiled orbs 100% from Catarina, it is rly important currency in the league and should not pay for it 15 divs..
- i love crafting leagues, when you can make awesome godlike item, but sitting in graveyard for several hours is just bad design - so next crafting league, please make it so it is less time consuming.
- why the hell the game cant be just about to have some fun, why there needs to be uniques costing 1.3 mirror in trade league. I would like to try so many builds just to experience them for fun but they are walled from me by the price. Seems like this game is more and more for streemers who play the game 15h day. Dont get me wrong, when the league start i take a vacation to be able to farm...I just wish the guys from GGG tried to play the game more.
This League is so cool as you say, but for a some reason it is dead atm.
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!

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