Transfigured convocation (Anomalous convocation)


I think it is high time to add the transfigured gem for convocation that gives minions extra movement speed for a few seconds.

The new transfigured gem for convocation could do what the anomalous version did previously which gave a big buff to minion movement speed which is sorely needed for minions which are generally very slow.

The previous anomalous gem gave between 40-100% increased movement speed depending if you had ashes or not.

The transfigured gem could give around 100% with quality affecting either CD or duration.

To compensate this you could completely remove the life regen that normal convocation has.

This would also promote more active gameplay for the builds that use it to keep the buff up as much as possible.
It could ofc also be automated but automating convocation is most of the time a bad thing.
Since you would move for example melee minions away from something they are attacking unless you convocated while standing on top of the enemy.
Last edited by Hoffen on May 26, 2024, 1:32:15 PM
Last bumped on May 25, 2024, 8:01:01 AM

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