Idea for a new support gem.

I propose to introduce a new support gem for non-instant enchantment skills. It will turn non-instant skills into instant ones. Replacing cast speed with cooldown. That is, you can enter a basic cooldown of, for example, 0.1-0.2 seconds, and the time for casting these spells will be added to it. By speeding up the casting of spells, you will reduce the additional part, and by reducing the cooldown, the final cooldown will decrease. Naturally, skills cannot be “repeated” using an echo of magic or using a release. But it will be possible to strengthen it with “automation”.
This will very well balance out some of the skills used by the “attack” archetypes to support the Build, such as “hydrosphere”, all types of curse skills, “tornado” for projectile attacks. Allowing attack archetypes that have a lot of attack speed to not stand casting spells for half a second (or longer). And instantly create and launch an attack. It will also allow you to automate some non-instant skills for builds, or manually, but without spending a lot of time, use the necessary enchantments, such as “infection” to steal essence.
In this option, the support gem will be quite balanced, because just for the skill to work by default you already need 2 sockets, and for automation 3, that is, in 4 connected sockets you can either insert 2 skills for automation, or one but also strengthened by 1 support stone .
Damage will be more difficult to accelerate due to the loss of 1 socket, and an additional 0.1-0.2 seconds of cooldown, as well as the inability to use strong support gems like release and echo of magic, but this can be partially compensated by investing in reducing cooldown.
I hope this idea will be noticed by the developers.
A similar mechanic is already implemented inside some skills, adding their cast speed to the cooldown of the skill when they are triggered.
I apologize for my very bad English. I had to translate it through Google.
Below is a link to the original text.
Last bumped on May 25, 2024, 12:34:06 AM

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