You don,t just totally through out the old when you bring in the new .
It destroys progression .
It just throws away all your years off hard work and grinding making them worthless , turns you years of dedication into a joke .
WoW did the same and it cost them . Starting in 2010 with Cataclysm ( a lot of good , but some really bad ) Mists of Pandoria , ( basically reduce everything for ease and convience , then wrap round a concept every one thought was a April Fools joke .
thus over the next 6-7 yrs lose near 50% of you player base .
Theres an old saying " If it aint broke don,t fu*k with it " .
Jeez you Kiwi,s should know that .
Improve , modernise and adjust , hell yeah .
Always get actual player input prior . get varied opinions , emotional responses and not just fan-boysycophantry . this is why theres PTR,s .
Last bumped on May 23, 2024, 5:37:43 AM
Standard isn't balanced around what you need sorry.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Sinzen wrote:
You don,t just totally through out the old when you bring in the new .
It destroys progression .
It just throws away all your years off hard work and grinding making them worthless , turns you years of dedication into a joke .
WoW did the same and it cost them . Starting in 2010 with Cataclysm ( a lot of good , but some really bad ) Mists of Pandoria , ( basically reduce everything for ease and convience , then wrap round a concept every one thought was a April Fools joke .
thus over the next 6-7 yrs lose near 50% of you player base .
Theres an old saying " If it aint broke don,t fu*k with it " .
Jeez you Kiwi,s should know that .
Improve , modernise and adjust , hell yeah .
Always get actual player input prior . get varied opinions , emotional responses and not just fan-boysycophantry . this is why theres PTR,s .

I almost exclusively play standard. You learn a thing or two after a while.
There essentially are a few paths to success:

1: You build something so obnoxious that there is literally no way GGG can nerf it. This will run you 1-4 mirrors for every item slot (including jewel sockets) on the character. Grats - you've ascended exile. You've achieved a level of brokenness that the devs simply can't account for without destroying entire groups of arc types.

2: You play mechanically strong, cheap builds that get the job done, (no bells, no whistles, glass cannons mostly), and farm with them until their destruction. You can ride this series of characters until you can afford to enter the divine pantheon on some character.

3: You can play the markets in various ways, leveraging stash tabs, legacy items and balance changes to stockpile currency until you can afford to be God.


Those are really your options on Standard.

If you push mechanically strong and medium-expensive builds, you will just get screwed repeatedly by balance and meta shakeups. By the time you get that sort of character really performing enough to start earning back the cost, the 4-8 month cycle will dumpster the toon.

This is standard. I didn't say I like it, but in the mid-range, you will end up spending your currency as fast as you're making it. Avoid getting stuck in the middle - there is NO upside to the median.

I simply play the game as it is, rather than what I'd like it to be.

On the bright side, PoE II should calm PoE down a lot - there should be less skill tinkering once the new game comes out.
Last edited by Sabranic_SilverDeth on May 21, 2024, 8:44:50 PM
Sinzen wrote:
You don,t just totally through out the old when you bring in the new .
It destroys progression .
It just throws away all your years off hard work and grinding making them worthless , turns you years of dedication into a joke .
WoW did the same and it cost them . Starting in 2010 with Cataclysm ( a lot of good , but some really bad ) Mists of Pandoria , ( basically reduce everything for ease and convience , then wrap round a concept every one thought was a April Fools joke .
thus over the next 6-7 yrs lose near 50% of you player base .
Theres an old saying " If it aint broke don,t fu*k with it " .
Jeez you Kiwi,s should know that .
Improve , modernise and adjust , hell yeah .
Always get actual player input prior . get varied opinions , emotional responses and not just fan-boysycophantry . this is why theres PTR,s .

I really wish GGG's default attitude for standard wasn't so depressingly careless and disruptive but sadly it is, they are like a bull that doesn't give a damn about the china shop of standard. There's been a big uptick it feels like in players posting feedback about standard and maybe some day this will have an effect or get GGG's attention.

I think the game is very rapidly leaving old boomers like myself and D2 players in the rear view mirror and most of its semi-casual but invested audience WAY in the dust... Ubers were supposed to be "optional content" for "bragging rights" now they have build enabling uniques great... the 1% of POE players who have the will to farm them can play new builds... everyone else can go shopping with their minimum orb wage hourly job...

The game feels like a vaste wasteland you need to cross every 3 months because they've pushed too many "carrots" to the end of the the end of the end of the road.

The carrot keeps being pushed further down the road from the days when "1% kill shaper" or "80% of returning invested players quit around yellow maps" both paraphrasing Chris Wilsons public statements when Shaper was endgame. Imagine now? that segment of the playerbase is even further in the rearview mirror.

You would think valuing the permanent league would just help them retain slower longer burn players. But the mode is such a trash heap of broken builds endlessly being rebroken, broken atlases endlessly being rebroken and then the FOMO of new leagues that feel like a ground hogs day of endlessly restarting getting bored needing to take breaks and never finishing cool projects.

The game is truly scoped out far beyond anything reasonable in 3 month leagues. I honestly would love to see the stats for what percentage of returning POE players feel satisfied with how far the carrot is down the road. Its no wonder the correct way to play it is by using someones else's meta game solutions and getting a MB or HH by week 1 using the "ignore almost the entire game" clear speed "Div per hour" meta of playing. its literally the only sane way to play the game.

I'm getting to the point where I regret each league where I do a restart and find myself wishing I had spent that time playing standard characters. But I also hate how its gets zero QoL and then gets all shitted up every 3ish months.

Also really resent the often dismissive and condescending attitudes towards it.
I bet the numbers playing standard are way higher than most people think.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
the game was never and will never be balanced around standard league. It's nothing more but the end of league storage unite for all those remove only tabs :)
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
achievement checklist:

No shaper kill. No Pale Court kill (now requires Vinktar Square)

Highest map probably yellow map (based on old requirement of Journeyman Cartographer)

Last forum post was 2018.

What actually lost as a returning character?

This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

This is the end of forum signature
How long have you been asleep, my guy?
neohongkong wrote:
achievement checklist:

No shaper kill. No Pale Court kill (now requires Vinktar Square)

Highest map probably yellow map (based on old requirement of Journeyman Cartographer)

Last forum post was 2018.

What actually lost as a returning character?

I love when people who can't form an argument go profile diving for ad homs. Profile diving tells me that the opposition doesn't have or can't express any good counter arguments.

I get it, the forum's immune response system wants to shout down feedback that doesn't validate the idea that the game is perfect. But seriously who cares that they got to yellow maps like 80% of the playerbase?

What does that have to do with anything?

Are you saying 80% of the playerbase doesn't matter? Ignoring 80% of your customers seems like a great way to go out of business to me.

I really think this forum needs rules about temp league players shitting on anyone who plays standard. Because that's also against GGG's best business interest. its also really petty, shallow and small and seemingly just as healthy for the game as the old meta of HC players shitting on anyone who plays SC.

You guys remember that? I do. Felt good? No right?

Having a HEALTHY non-afterthought permanent mode that GGG could start treating with more respect and intention would only help grow the game. Just being more thoughtful and less disruptive could help GGG maintain more players. Because I'm going to be real here: the FOMO leagues seem to have hit a diminishing returns wall in terms of growth.

There's a limit to how many gamers you're going to keep attracting with FOMO and the concept that you need to be able to do it all within 3 months. Especially when they keep pushing the carrot down the road with almost the entire playerbase left behind already. Given this new reality of stagnating player numbers, I think its in GGG's best interest to improve the permanent mode.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Pashid wrote:
the game was never and will never be balanced around standard league. It's nothing more but the end of league storage unite for all those remove only tabs :)

it was never? well thats just incorrect (void races and events?) and "will never" is just your opinion.

I don't get why you guys feel like you need to keep posting this.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on May 22, 2024, 6:04:55 PM
Are you saying 80% of the playerbase doesn't matter?

GGG past stat tell us most playerbase are playing temp league, not Standard. Also, i don't see they have plan to milk out returning players. Or may be they will add a $1000 reactivate account fee next year.
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

This is the end of forum signature

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