Can Parsec trigger a third party software ban?

Good evening

Considering using parsec to be able to play when I'm unable to sit at my desk. Is Parsec up to standard for GGG and their policies?

Thanks for any and all answers
Last bumped on May 19, 2024, 12:28:25 PM
So the answer is that GGG won't recommend using any third party apps.

Not because it may or not be bannable but because something that is ok now may change to be not OK, most people would be able to understand why that change would result in a ban but others will waste support time and dig through comments from years ago to try justify it.

Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
That's understandable, I guess I'm just curious if a game streaming service is considered a third party app in this case. The whole point is to be able to play my game, from my computer, by streaming it to a laptop.

But, that's a fair point.
Uggorthaholy wrote:
The whole point is to be able to play my game, from my computer, by streaming it to a laptop.

I had guessed something like that though i didn't look into parsec too much.
To me that sounds ok to use BUT i don't know if it could be abused somehow, all i will say on this is, wouldn't this setup be kinda bad? the game is very sensitive to latency and adding another step to the connection which can be effected (sometimes quite badly) via poor coverage, and additional "noise" (the bands most households use can become quite saturated with signals from smart devices)
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Hey there,

As lagwin1980 mentioned, in general, we do not encourage the creation or use of third-party tools as we aren't able to thoroughly and accurately check exactly how they work.
It's really not bad, it adds at most 2-3ms latency if I'm still in the same house.

And, Thanks for the reply Cory. It isn't a Third party tool so much as it is a streaming service, but I do understand how it could possibly be read as ghosted inputs.

And I also understand a generic response on the matter regarding any tool/program that is not PoE itself.

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