private league to parent league lost items from lockers

My private league ended. Migrate All. Lost all of heist locker. all of necropolis locker and the expediton reroll currencies in that locker. kept the expedition currencies themselves.

My kirac missions also reset to 3/0/0, but that feels more intentional. my passives trees also reset, again, maybe intended behavior?
Last bumped on May 11, 2024, 2:41:41 PM
Hi roddyriot,

Could you please try clicking the ">>" button next to "Create" from the character selection menu and let us know if this allows you to migrate the rest of your progress?
Need help with anything? Feel free to contact us via :)
Sorry, nope. I get a "there are no available leagues to migrate progress from." Let me be clear, the losses here are not a big deal for me. I just wish for whatever happened here to get cleared up before the next league.
Is it possible that you are hiding your Remove Only tabs? You can check this by checking your Items settings under UI in your Options menu.

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