shadow ban?

Hello, the people who are being banned for using another application, who have been lucky to have them respond?

No one answers me and doesn't give any signs of help and after all the money spent, does he want to make you look like a person who cheats? For what reason do they accuse me where someone who plays something is supporting without doing something wrong?
Last bumped on May 10, 2024, 5:19:11 PM
Probably deserved it tbh.
Imagine cheating in this game when its sooo ezzz to make currency this league. People who use tradebot or RMT. I think its hillarious. Like you are beyond lazy :’)
Look on my works ye mighty, and despair.

Harvest league oh you are beautiful.
People actually getting caught and dealt with. This is a good sign even though it is probably just a small fraction of actual number of cheaters.
I would expect that in terms of bans GGG have to look at it in a way that they have to prove it in a court, if they feel they can then your ban isn't likely to be lifted (yes some dipshits do try to threaten legal action).

BUT then again the ToS is worded in a way that they can ban you for whatever they like reason or not (it's just a lot more hassle)

End of the day, if you are innocent you would get unbanned, if you are skirting what they are considering banable they may or may not let it go, it's no skin off their nose.

And just because you spend money on the game dose not make you immune from bans or mutes (there used to be a notion that GGG didn't punish paying customers and a lot of those that hacked would start a new account, but a pack and think they were good)

Objectively, i've been playing the game since 2012, i've not been banned, i've seen and read hundreds of threads of those that get banned, and past false positives (something that is exceedingly rare now given that it has had 12 years to mature) almost every other ban i've seen was justifiable, and those that were not were near instantly lifted.
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Last edited by lagwin1980 on May 10, 2024, 5:19:59 PM

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