Graphical issues - no button prompts displayed

Since yesterday I notice graphical issues with the Xbox version of PoE.

1. Button prompts are not displayed temporary:

Feels like a glitch - sometimes it appears that button prompts (to pick up items, to use flasks, to click the stash, ...) are not displayed, even in loading screen tips. But when I change to a different area (enter a map for example) everything is displayed correctly - until it glitches again.

2. Flickering graphical issues in hideout, rarely in maps as well.

Hideout decoration items and npcs are flickering temporary. When I change the area or logout and login again the flickering stops - but only temporary.

I already checked my display settings on the Xbox, switching around between full hd & 4k/hdr resolution but that doesn't change anything. My internet connection also runs very stable and doesn't cause the issue.
Last edited by I haGrOck I on May 8, 2024, 7:16:42 PM
Last bumped on May 22, 2024, 1:02:53 AM
I'm on xbox xsx and have this same exact problem as well. Everything was fine yesterday.

Checked my xbox and tv. Checked my other games. It's only happening with PoE.
Can confirm, getting sporadic missing ui elements since the last pach on xbox and more rarely flickering ingame objects/effects. Once the flickering starts it'll stay until the next loading screen, which can be pretty bad when your AoE skill starts to flicker. Had that happen once with holy relic.
Last edited by BlissfulShoe281 on May 9, 2024, 10:24:14 AM
New screenshots proof the catastrophic condition of Path of Exile on Xbox:

WITHOUT DISPLAYING THE BUTTON PROMPTS RELIABLE, IT'S NOT POSSIBLE TO PLAY BLIGHT CONTENT -> due to the fact without displaying button prompts it's not possible to see when towers can be ugraded.

Dear GGG, please fix this issue soon - the game is on Xbox an absolute mess right now!

Last edited by I haGrOck I on May 10, 2024, 10:13:57 AM
Bump - please fix that issue soon.

Sadly it's no fun to play right now. Flickering, Missing UI Elements, Rubberbanding... Returned after many years and was excited about the game and the recent development.

Please fix this to keep me hooked.
Can we please get an update on the progress of fixing this issue
Is there any update on this?? It's been like this since league start and it's really ruining the league. I also would like to add that these visual effects are also affecting skills with microtransactions. I am running righteous fire and almost every other map I run, I can't see my righteous fire unless I turn off my microtransactions. It is also not a specific one either, I have switched between multiple microtransactions and the same thing happens, even some skills without microtransactions such as flamewall and firetrap. PLEASE FIX THESE BUGS ASAP. I am really enjoying the league mechanic and updates to atlas but these bugs are almost game breaking.
The silence is deafening GGG
Please fix. Super annoying not seeing the A button icon when trying to pickup stuff next to a portal etc.

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