Rogue Harbour & MTX

MTX should be disabled in Rogue Harbour.
If disabling MTX is a no go then find a way to fix this issue.
Half the time I go to the Harbour my game just crashes to desktop due to the people/Bots just standing around not doing anything but trying to show off MTX.

Before anyone says to upgrade my system here are the spec's
32 gig ram

Rouge Harbour is just a nightmare to go to anymore.
Last bumped on Sep 9, 2024, 11:22:30 AM
More +1.

I used to enjoy heisting a few times during the league but the framerate issues and lag of the harbor is very annoying. Even navigating my storage is affected on occasion. I'm not sure how many players are allowed to share the same instance (it looks like between 10-20) but I suspect even cutting that in half would see an improvement.

Also to add, if you're speed running each contract you suffer fairly lengthy loading screens each time you zone out just to be hit with performance problems anyway. 10-15 seconds every 2 minutes eats away at my sanity XD.

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