XBox - No longer get the <A> button prompt for interactable objects.

Since the latest update/hotfix I no longer get the <A> button prompt when next to a lootable object, door, waypoint, essence, strongbox, etc.

rebooted, uninstalled/installed, with no success.

Thank you.
Last bumped on May 9, 2024, 9:04:34 AM
Same here. Hard to tell what's highlighted.
Thanks for your reports, we are looking into this.
Same as well
I am also getting this bug. Also, filtered items on the ground aren't being highlighted correctly, often becoming near invisible. Thought I'd mention it in case it is related to the "missing A" bug. It has become very difficult to interact with or loot anything.
To add more information: the A button prompt will occasionally return, only to disappear again a short while later. Don't know what conditions are required for it, seems random.
Well I'm glad it's not just me. No one talking about it
Every time I re-enter my hideout it's abnoxiously flashing white. Buttons missing like reported above. Items are apparently becoming invisible.

Prior to these bugs, there was still a bug where Essences disappear on death if near any other mechanics. That was very disheartening many times that I corrupted one to one I was after. Hopefully you can look into fixing that with whatever next patch fixes all these new buggy interactions. Thanks
~Xbox GT: ScubaSk33t~
I also got the white screen in the hideout

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