Last Rites doesn't destroy from on hit curse

I've been having some issues with destroy using Last Rite annoint. Basically if the hit culls and kils even if I see the vulnerability curse on it, they don't always destroy. I'm under the impression the vulnerability on hit should apply at the moment of death even if the original and only hit kills the monster. I can't seem to get it to work.

The bug is either that it shows cursed and doesn't destroy or that the hit kills it before the curse is considered in effect. Either way, it does literally take away some of the only potential destroy options to some builds. Please consider making it look like it works the way it intended.

Video Below.

Last edited by ekopalm on May 7, 2024, 10:15:13 PM
Last bumped on May 8, 2024, 7:15:18 AM
ekopalm wrote:
I'm under the impression the vulnerability on hit should apply at the moment of death even if the original and only hit kills the monster.
It applies at the moment of death, but it's too late to be considered by this on-kill effect, it have to be applied earlier. I think all curse related on-kill effects work this way, in the past many players asked the same about Profane Bloom.

Meanwhile "Ignited Enemies Killed by your Hits are destroyed" stat currently allows igniting one-shots to destroy enemies.

I see.

Meanwhile "Ignited Enemies Killed by your Hits are destroyed" stat currently allows igniting one-shots to destroy enemies.

That was something that crossed my mind as well.

I googled this issue with last rites and at one point this appeared to have been fixed last year so I thought it was possible it needed to be fixed again and it's a bug that resurfaced.

I guess we chalk this one up to "GGG just does this." Unlucky. I am making a Pathfinder Poison Conc bounce build next and I have to spend many divines to redo my Strangle grasp anoints to get rid of this one. Unlucky.

The other issue is that destroy doesn't apply to a lot of rares anyway (aka things that would take more than one hit). Apparitions, raising the dead after death, etc.

EDIT: After investigating, I think it's a visual bug then.
Last edited by ekopalm on May 8, 2024, 4:02:35 PM

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