Item Rarity Support and Explosions

Hi there, just wondering if I put Item Rarity Support on my Righteous Fire, kill an enemy, and it explodes due to either Hinekora, Death's Fury ascendancy OR Herald of Ash explosion OR Fire Mastery explode, does the Item Rarity Support apply to those kills since they were caused originally by the Righteous Fire? If not, what would I have to link Item Rarity Support to in order for those explosions to benefit from the support gem?
Last bumped on Apr 28, 2024, 4:30:58 PM
Things killed by RF get the bonus, because the bonus is linked to RF. Whether or not they explode doesn't change that; they're already dead.

But if those dead enemies explode and the explosions kill other enemies, those kills won't get the bonus, because the explosions aren't RF.

The Herald of Ash burning effect could get the bonus if you support Herald of Ash with Item Rarity, if you really wanted to deal with the extra reservation (and this would only matter for enemies that weren't already standing in your RF). Probably nothing you can do with the passive explosions, besides getting global IIR stats instead.
I'll add that Herald of Ash doesn't cause explosions, and RF can't proc its burning effect, since it requires dealing overkill damage, which is not feasible for damage over time.
Thank you all for messaging. I'm on Softcore so if I wanted to use IIR and IIQ support gems I would have to unspec out of the explosions then. I might do that too.

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