The obviously trolling t17 map mods need to go

You know you put them in to troll players, take them away pls
Last bumped on Aug 23, 2024, 1:22:53 AM

Just because you can't do it doesn't mean others can't.

There's no trolling.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
There are 2 troll mods that need to go away because there is no way around them.

-Deal no damage for 4 seconds out of 10
With BTB this scales to 10/10 and map becomes simply impossible to be cleared. Even without any modifier scaling dealing no damage almost half the time is dogshit. Remove this mod and never even think of anything similar. We have that as a selectable mod in Ultimatum encounters and even that is only 2 seconds out of 8.

-Less action speed with each kill
Also kinda dogball mod that is build agnostic. It punishes you for killing monsters which is exactly what you do in EVERY MAP IN THE GAME. There are no pacifist runs.

Reflect, more rare mods, marked for death, volatile cores etc etc are mods that can be gamed with your build. Mines don't trigger marked for death, cores are easily staggerstepped, reflect isn't triggered by chaos damage etc.

These two mods though, they are bad on ANY BUILD IN THE GAME. They basically say reroll the map.
delete T17s, they were a mistake. i hate them
Vikerules wrote:
delete T17s, they were a mistake. i hate them

T17 as a concept are fine. Too hard to be farmed by some cringeworthy paper-thin MF build.

Current version of them is kinda off balance though. Too rewarding compared to 16s. And too hard for the wrong reasons. Uber bosses are easier to kill than map bosses in these maps.
Esubane wrote:
Vikerules wrote:
delete T17s, they were a mistake. i hate them

T17 as a concept are fine. Too hard to be farmed by some cringeworthy paper-thin MF build.

Current version of them is kinda off balance though. Too rewarding compared to 16s. And too hard for the wrong reasons. Uber bosses are easier to kill than map bosses in these maps.

i also think magic find should be deleted from the game btw
i dont really mind the t17 map mods since i know them before i enter the map,but some haunted modifers that you cant see can really fuck up builds if they are combined with those t17 mods

t17 will be a lot easier next league or rather a lot less rng
T17s reward levels vs t16s make hc feel horrible. Sc is already a dumpster fire if you want to play trade league.
ciel289 wrote:
i dont really mind the t17 map mods since i know them before i enter the map,but some haunted modifers that you cant see can really fuck up builds if they are combined with those t17 mods

t17 will be a lot easier next league or rather a lot less rng

we don't know what next league has in store for us.

nobody expected 3.24 to have unskippable lantern of arimor applying horrific modifiers such as 400% maximum life or 90% elemental resistances or whatnot.

I don't get why they defend this MF so much, especially party magicfind is busted. This didn't even happened in D2 because drop logic in D2 was completely diffrent.

you could run 8-man party runs in CS or baal and yes noticeably more items dropped in 8-man party compared to solo. This was due to how Empty TC worked in D2 - in solo play majority of monsters dropped nothing. Adding players reduced the odds of this Empty TC triggering, thus in 8-player party almost every monster would drop something. But it was AN ITEM. 1 item. Not 3 items. Not 10 items. Not 60 items.

In POE almost all mobs drop items, most of the time more than one. Applying party multiplier has infinite scaling and this is the fundamental flaw of POE drop design. D2 had hard limits on how much loot drops - regular mobs drop 1 item, unique mobs drop 2 items (at least magic rarity), super unique mobs and bosses drop 5 items. That's it, all MF did was boosting rarity of these items.
Coconutdoggy wrote:

Just because you can't do it doesn't mean others can't.

There's no trolling.

Lol you rolled the easiest T17 map i've ever seen

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