Not a mechinac for the average player - too punishing

My experience in this league so far.

League machanic is for high end stuff. Tried it. Failed 3 times in a row. Not going to try it again.

The time investment is far too high for a chance that is not worth it. For guys who play endless hours maybe.

I play casually, this game has been going in a direction that makes aspirational content so far out of reach that I find myself thinking why bother. I only see videos of what other people are getting and doing, been playing 10 years, and it always feels bad seeing content I have never been able to engage with.

Mainly high end crafting or even taking on uber content.

The game has a ton of content gated either by items being out of reach making builds types unobtainable, or the content difficulty is essentially so far out there that really the only way for people to get to try that stuff is they have to resort to RMT'ers to get the items or in game currency to even have the opportunity. This money could go to the game creators, not the game players.

As it stands. This is a game designed intentionally to needs a significant amount of time in order to get to a place to engage with engame content. You have not developed any solution to short cut it.

For the people who endlessly play this game your model is in their favour. For casual players. There is nothing your company provides.

So the greater majority of your potential customer base has no choice but to buy things or services from another company just to enjoy your game.

Is the intention trying to make other people money?

As it stands it would appear so.
Other complanies make a majority of the money from your game.

If RMT goes away. It would go away when a cheaper solution is presented.

What people want is time. A casual player connot put in the hours to be able to enjoy the content you put out. So you could make a seperate server where people can play the same league but have the option to buy in game currency to short cut the time investment. and for more serious players who are worried about the in game economy they can play on the server that does not allow for people to buy shortcuts.

This is just an idea.

I hope you make more money from a well designed game.

Last bumped on May 23, 2024, 6:02:58 PM
game is not for casuals

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less time watching other people playing the game and more time....playing and learning the game. Besides uber bosses, there hasn't been a single league mechanic in the last 5+ years that was remotely gated behind any sort of difficulty beyond "thinking". People like to claim everything is gated behind no-lifing the game, but it really isn't: what its actually gated behind is mindless copypaste playstyle and ignorance.

Because even a casual player can reach near-mirror gear crafting pretty easily. Depending on how much you play, you aren't going to reach it on day 1 or even in a week or 2....but a league lasts 3-4 months. I ALWAYS advocate for players to NOT watch videos or streamers BUT in the case of crafting, watching even a single video on how to do it is eye opening and forever valuable. You get to see how EASY the actual process is. Just don't expect a PERFECT item without a heavy heavy months long grind. But off-perfect is 100s or 1000s of times cheaper both in terms of time and currency.

You play in trade league: learn how to value nearly everything that drops and you can pretty much bankroll any chase unique in 10-20 hours of gameplay. A drop in the ocean even for a casual in a league.

Not to flex....but....I can't remember the last time I have played PoE longer than 1 or 2 hours per day MAX, and I've never had a problem getting 5+ completed characters to 95+, juiced t16s, mageblood/hh/omni/etc. I rarely ever get mirror items but who cares? Those are the absolute best of the best and SHOULD be earned by the folks who play a lot more than I do. In fact, I would say almost the exact opposite of the OP: recent leagues have made it way easier to get chase uniques, craft stellar items, and reach new heights of power. The actual league mechanics have just been awful.

Last edited by mefistozxz on May 23, 2024, 5:40:35 PM
OP could you please elaborate?
You have a mirror geared character, a character I could only look at the POB and be like, yeah not rich enough for that.
A character, in league, that leads me to believe you aren't the casual you claim to be?
Is that character struggling?
I'm bamboozled.
Jixa87 wrote:

I'm bamboozled.

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