t17 bad

so the loot difference between t16 8 mods and t17 is night and day.

ive tried to like it ive tried to enjoy it but something about clicking 100 chaos on a map just to go in and plank or learn what not to mess with is just bad.

the endgame balance has been totally upset and if your not running t17s it just feels like your not getting rewarded. but t17s are so bad to roll that its just not fun.


id literally rather go back to old scarabs and compass's with no t17's cause the endgame just feels dead =[

mods like block/supress/reduced crit/avoid ailment, need to be capped, running back to basics totally unbalances the rolls and makes maps near impossible to complete lol. (chaos spam and 2 regex's sucks)
Last edited by Cchris07 on Apr 18, 2024, 12:53:47 PM
Last bumped on Aug 13, 2024, 11:25:11 PM
Couldn't agree more, even worse the dificult on the bosses, hit kills are not mechanics, it is just lame, being challenging doesn't mean be obliterated in a single blow, plus the huge majority can't even handle the mobs, the bosses NEED to be toned down hard.
Oh no they don't if anything they should buff them further.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
... you need to use 100 chaos on a t17???

Ok I dont think I have managed to use more than 10 on a single map. What exactly are you rolling past ?

You currently are wearing an HH .... and have this

So Im not sure what you consider rewarding but...

YOU have not even farmed or ... quite honestly, even done t17s, and yet you have a 70 div belt on. So.....

This statement is contradictory to what I am seeing on your character page
the endgame balance has been totally upset and if your not running t17s it just feels like your not getting rewarded.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"

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