SUGGESTION - Light Radius penalty should be removed for non-temporary debuffs

For temporary negative status, like Blind, or even when your caracter is at Low Life while mapping/bossing, i totally undestand that it needs a visual representation of those status, but when you are playing a Low Life build, you are allways with those big dark areas around you, that you cannot get rid off in any way! Its just unfair, because there isnt enought resources in the current state of the game to deal with it, which totally destroys the fun of playing.

In todays world, while playing a Low Life caracter, you only have two choices to fix the Light Radius, go for Arcane Vision in the passive tree or use Incandescent Heart, BUT, that is only viable with Energy Shield based builds AND that still needs investment, which is just non-sense workarounds for such a simple solution - Remove Light Radius penalty for non-temporary debuffs(EX: Low Life builds/Petrified Blood/etc.).

Regular Life based builds that opt to Low Life, just dont have options to deal with the Light Radius, which can get even worse. You can stack a bunch of items with Light Radius stats, but wont fix it properly, while still giving important space for other stats freely, messing with your build and removing one of the most important features of this game, freedom to make any build and make it viable.

At this point, im not just talking about a random feature that can have workarounds on the game. Light Radius is a debuff that not only can make your build unplayable, but make the game feel a lot worse to play and difficult to enjoy. Just make the test yourselves, take a Low Life build to Delve, or an indoor map, and see how the quality of playing drops significantly.

As i mentioned before, for temporary debuffs its okk, doesnt affect the quality of gameplay that much, but for non-temporary debuffs, that are ALLWAYS affecting your caracter, degrading your experience playing the game, it needs revision urgently.

This topic needs attention, please rework Light Radius for non-temporary debuffs.
Last bumped on Aug 6, 2024, 9:11:37 AM
Agreed. It's literally unplayable on dark maps like Vaal Temple or Poorjoy. Is this should be fun?

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