stacked decks and divination cards in Heist

OMG they dropped rate of them in Heist !!!!! In blueprint boxes I used to get 3 or 4 stacked decks and at least 5 or 6 divination cards per box , now I get 1 or 2 stacked deck and hardly any divination cards . Heist was my favorite thing to do , now it really sucks . It's a huge change so why there's no mention of it in patch notes ??????
Last bumped on May 7, 2024, 12:44:44 AM
its dead
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I played Blueprint at the beginning of the week. I always got 6-8 stacked decks out of the box (I have good equipment). After reading your post today, I played Blueprint again. You are absolutely right. I only got 2 stacked decks from each box. Then I played contracts and got 2 stacked decks from each box. Equal reward for Blueprint and Contracts? It is sad. Will it stay that way or is it a bug? Will we get a response from GGG?
Rip Heist sadly, same as Syndicate.
what really pisses me off is that they nothing about lowering the drop rate , nothing in patch notes and no answer on a forum , ignore the problem a maybe it will go away, after many years of playing I'm close to quitting
acco73 wrote:
what really pisses me off is that they nothing about lowering the drop rate , nothing in patch notes and no answer on a forum , ignore the problem a maybe it will go away, after many years of playing I'm close to quitting

Seems like a lot of stealth nerfs this league.
Pour one out for my Syndicate homies.

Complex PoE mechanics are getting Diablofied.

GGG: What's better than stable income? Random income of course.
Not just Heist, but Expedition (Tugen) as well.

For people not in the know, beyond the first week of a league, one of the main sources of currency from these mechanics was from the stacked decks. Without it, you're probably losing about 1/3 your profitability. Contracts in general are going to be valueless going forward; the only method of making currency from heist will be running 1 wing till GGG nerfs that too and puts the nail in the coffin.

After the third day of the league, discovering this stealth nerf left me crestfallen to the point of not playing over the weekday, save maybe 1 or 2 hours. Disheartened not because I need Heist or Expedition to make currency, far from it, but on principle: If they're willing to nerf mechanics that don't hold a candle to the meta strats, then they'll nerf anything.

I really enjoyed doing out-of-map content as it breaks the monotony of doing maps over-and-over again. Guess this greatly limits my prospects.
Is there some sort of procedure in order to ask GGG to comment on this tread ? usually they are very good with informing about any changes , good or bad . So GGG why are you so silent this time ???????? some acknowledgement would be greatly appreciated .
GO check patch notes. They said that they will be nerfing stacked deck drop rate from pretty much all sources.
I checked patch notes. I only found this:

"Item Changes

Stacked Decks, Diviner's Strongboxes, and Divination Cards obtained as rewards from various content can no longer drop Divination Cards for Boss-exclusive Items."

It doesn't say anywhere that the stacked deck drop rate is reduced.

If you found something else, please quote or link here.

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