Currency and Itens bug


I have all itens for my Kinetic Bolt build which I bought on last league Affliction League with my character Akummas and also few divines around 300-500Div and 2 kalandra mirror

And I was just waiting for the league end and the character go to standard sever BUT, when I log in after few days off line, All my ITENS and divines and Kalandra mirror DISAPPEAR

They werent transfered to standard or are on my stash tabs... LITERALLY VANISH

Can someone help me here or let me know if this is a bug? what happened?

Last bumped on Mar 29, 2024, 9:50:03 PM
Check the "remove only" tabs (disabled in settings by default)
Hi there Tekunn, incase that the issues still persist, please contact us at, Cheers!
@seaman What a genius, I selected the remove only tabs and showed to me lots of tabs, I have now doubled the tabs that I used to have on standard LOL

Little weird for me as I need to keep selecting/unselecting the remove only tabs to transfer the itens, but THANK YOU SO MUCH for the help and tip on this

Saved my build for sure you are AWESOME

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