Cant buy points, XSOLLA doesn't load

I've tried on 3 different browser on my PC. From my phone off my local internet and on my phone plan internet. I cannot get the xsolla page to load after I click buy points. It just sits there and spins no matter what I try, this worked fine like 2 weeks ago.
Last bumped on Mar 7, 2024, 11:04:54 AM
Hi there,

Could you please contact us at so we can look into this further for you?
Done sent an email with the details and this forum thread.
Are you using any sort of add block or something like no script in your browsers?

I know for me that no script especially interferes with many transactions (not just through Xsolla) so any time i am going to purchase anything online i have to turn it off (with few exceptions)

Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Hey ! I have the same issue "xsolla page stuck on loading screen ", is there a solution to this ?
Having the same thing today. I am pretty sure it isn't on my end, as I have used Xsolla some days ago and haven't made any changes to my PC.
Tried on two different browsers, as well.
If anyone else is currently having issues with Xsolla. Please contact us at for further information.
I have the same issue. I have tried 2 different computers from different locations and Internet providers and 4 different browser clean installs with no addon or anything else. I contacted ggg and the just said that i should contact xsolla. Xsolla first line support is like talking to robots with a script and they offer no solution more than saying the issue is on my end :)

All i want is some stash tabs should it be this hard.....

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